Thursday, October 31, 2019

ECOSYSTEM TOXIC THREAT RISK ASSESSMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

ECOSYSTEM TOXIC THREAT RISK ASSESSMENT - Essay Example Transport can be the moving of people from one place to the next or the movement of goods and other items such as raw materials from their sources to the manufacturing site. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), vehicle exhaust fumes have been confirmed to contain carcinogens; a statement that is further confirmed by the World health Organization (WHO) which said that the fumes expelled by diesel vehicles contain a harmful amount of carcinogens that may harm people who take them in through breathing. The National Institute of Health (NIH) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) back up this information by confirmation of the information stated above (Thakur and Haru 64). From the website, the toll of exhaust fumes to the environment is high since they affect a wide range of the components of the environment from human beings, animals and the environment in general. With components such as lead and sulfur emissions, there are many detrimental effects of exhaust fumes to the environment (Monosson 44). From the class notes and the course being undertaken, it has been proven that vehicle exhaust emissions form a large part of the green house gases that are responsible for the increase in the temperature of the earth in what is called global warming. While there is information from many sources against the high amounts of vehicle exhaust gases and fumes and their contribution to global warming in general, the website has an argument that depicts vehicle fumes as only having little effect on the environment compared to the other sources of pollution like industries. The author of this article argues that it is not right to put blame on vehicle exhaust fumes as the main cause of global warming when it is this area that had had the most improvement in terms of eliminating the negative impacts to the environment (Barrow 71). It is thus a great topic to choose upon given that is has a lot of information and topics for discussion. Section Two: Vulnerability of the Environment to Vehicle Fumes The impact of vehicle exhaust fumes is majorly chronic in its impact on the environment. Since the impact of many polluting elements is chronic to the environment, those of exhaust fumes follow the same path and have the same impact. This is due to the reason that it takes some time for the chemical elements in the fumes, which are mostly little in amount, to accumulate to harmful levels and thus affect the environment (Jones 86). The threat from vehicle exhaust fumes is also systemic (ecosystem) in nature given the fact that it affects the environment as a whole. The elements released by vehicles and the gases that accompany them add up to cause not only diseases in animals and human beings but also cause global warming that affects the whole ecosystem (Gupta 45). No specific species is targeted by the negative effects of these chemicals since they affect all the living species from plants to animals in equal measure. S ection Three: Risk Assessment The risk level from exhaust fumes is very real given that each day; a very large amount of fumes is released by vehicles all over the world. The number of vehicles owned especially by private individuals increases every single day given that more and more people are affording to buy vehicles for their personal use and other purposes. Even with efforts that are

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

General principles Essay Example for Free

General principles Essay 1. Film theory is how we study movies based general principles. It serves as a model for understanding movies and their different meanings. It is looking at film using a particular perspective, much like using different approaches in analyzing literature. Film criticism meanwhile, is focused more on the artistic value and appeal of the movie to the viewing public. It has two forms: reviews for the common viewer and critical essays for scholars. 2. Realist theory explains that our experiences can be emulated in movies by the help of cinematic language and technology, meaning movies as a representation of reality. Formalist theory explains films are more than a representation of reality. The film artists give form to reality 3. Explicit meaning is what the movie presents on the surface. Meaning the movie clearly shows what it is trying to project, viewers instantly get it without much effort. Implicit meaning is the message within the movie that is not obvious. It is the meaning behind the actions of the film. It is the message of the filmmaker that requires more or less critical analysis. 4. Mimesis is the Greek word for the imitative representation of the world in art and literature. It is basically the violence portrayed in films, suggesting that it is part of reality. Katharsis (catharsis) popularized by Aristotle in his Poetics, on the other hand is what Aristotle used to describe tragedy, it produces emotions of pity and fear. 5. Kathrarsis (catharsis) means purgation or purification. Aristotle used this Greek term in his definition of a tragedy in his Poetics, he said that tragedy must have katharsis, meaning tragedies should produce emotions of pity and fear from the audience. Looking for catharsis in movies is beneficial because it can either have a positive or negative effect on the viewers. 6. Ideology does not simply mean an idea. Ideology means a variety of related ideas, how humans see life and culture. In film, ideology is the ideas of individuals, group, class, or culture that reflects their social needs and aspirations. Ideological meaning in movies is the beliefs depicted in it. It is the belief of the filmmakers, the belief of the characters, or the population’s belief during the movie was made. Feminism, Marxism, and cultural studies are considered ideological theories because they represent ideas that attempt to explain how people and societies function. 7. Auteur theory states that the director is the author of a film. Its application has two forms: the director is judged by looking at all the films he or she has made as a whole, looking at style. The other is a classification of great directors based on a hierarchy of styles. The director must have directed numerous films to be an auteur. The style of the director should be as unique as novelist’s 8. Genre study is the process of understanding some basic ways of how genre functions to develop interesting critiques of genre films. The evolution of major film genres made filmmakers conscious about genre history and conventions, thus the remakes, parodies, sequels, and hybridization that we see today. 9. The study of the phenomenon (or art) known as film and studying film using a certain perspective or approach are involved in the study of film history. 10. Aesthetic approach evaluates movies and directors by looking at how artistic they and their films are. It is sometimes called the masterpiece approach or great man approach. Social approaches evaluate movies on the criteria of how significant they are in relation to the society. Questions when evaluating film are: What is the film’s significance to the society? What social issues does it present? and if it provides solutions.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Effects of Back Massage on Chemotherapy-related Fatigue

Effects of Back Massage on Chemotherapy-related Fatigue Shahida Abbasi This paper is aimed to critique on a quantitative research article. â€Å"Effects of back massage on chemotherapy-related fatigue and anxiety: Supportive care and therapeutic touch in cancer nursing† Written by Karagozoglu and Kahve (2013) as part of my assignment. The Problem The problem is significant to nursing as noted by Karagozoglu and Kahve (2013) that nurses are directly involved to provide care and deal with patients receiving chemotherapy and their experienced side effects. It is also mentioned that problem is significance to nursing, as nursing interventions intend to improve quality of life by reducing the stress level of the patient with cancer. Moreover, the purpose of conducting quasi experimental and cross sectional study research was to determine the effectiveness of back massage, a nursing intervention, on fatigue process which develops due to chemo therapy. Furthermore, on the anxiety level which develops, and has been explained explicitly. In my point of view this study can accomplish its purpose as Burns and Grove (2011) mentioned that effects of independent variables on dependent variable can be determined through quasi experimental studies. In addition, quasi experimental; a quantitative approach study design is best fit to determine the effectiveness of back message. In the article research variables back massage independent variable and fatigue as dependent variable has been explained with literature support, whereas I feel the dependent variable anxiety need more elaboration. The investigators promptly introduced the problem statement at the end of the introduction. In my point of view the answer to the problem provide insight into current issues in nursing practice because there was no study found which determine the effects of back massage in decreasing fatigue and anxiety of chemotherapy patients. In addition, the investigators has stated the assumptions very clearly that â€Å"back massage providing during chemotherapy reduces fatigue and anxiety† Moreover, limitations are not listed explicitly but reader can infer easily as evident by this statement, small sample size was used therefore, the findings of the study could not be generalized. The limitations of quasi study design are as mentioned in Polit and Beck (2012) noted that in interventional study participants show reluctance to be selected through randomization. Thus these assumptions and limitations are realistic. Review of the Literature The literature reviewed by the researchers is comprehensive, critical, and logical. Moreover, the literature was published during the period 1988- 2013 and most of them were not recent but relevant to the problem. The relationship to the research purpose is evident by the literature review. In addition to that the researchers included 21 recent research studies and of these three studies published in 2013 were also used. The investigators paraphrased the reviewed adequately did not use any quotation. The researchers made a case logically for conducting a new study based on the review Protection of Human Rights This study was designed to minimize risk and maximize benefits to participants. Moreover, the researchers indicated very explicitly that participants gave voluntary, verbal and written informed consent and no evidence of coercion was found. However, it is not evident in study that participants were invited to consent during periods of high stress. There is no evidence in the study that individuals can be identified and linked to study. The researchers very clearly mentioned that approval to conduct the study has been taken from an independent ethics committee of Cumhuriyet University Faculty of Medicine. Theoretical / Conceptual Framework The researchers did not describe any theory or framework to guide their study. Coughlan, Cronin and Ryan (2007) noted that theoretical frameworks tend to be better developed in experimental and quasi-experimental studies. Burn and Grove (2011) noted that a well-developed quantitative study is based on clearly stated framework and quality of frame work needs to be evaluated for practicality. However, in this study the absence of theory or frame work did not detract the researchers from the significance of the research. Hypothesis The investigators formally stated hypotheses. It is appropriate to have the hypothesis in quantitative study as the investigators were interested to test the effectiveness of back massage. Burns and Grove (2011, p.167) stated that this type of researches are required to have hypothesis in order to predict outcome. Moreover, hypotheses are naturally derived from the research problem and transform the problem into predictable results. In this study hypotheses contain two dependent and independent variables. Furthermore, the investigators stated hypotheses clearly and objectively and the prediction is evident. It is very obvious that these predictions are supported by the literature. Sampling The target population carefully described by the researchers i-e patients who at least underwent for chemotherapy. The target population was appropriate according to the study problem and desirability. However, resource limitations are not mentioned in the study. The investigators described sample selection procedures by giving strict eligibility criteria. However, it would be better if they had clearly mentioned the type of sampling procedure used. Moreover, the sampling method fits with the research design and level of inquiry of study. However, the authors did not describe potential sample biases. According to Polit and Beck (2012) under representation of the sample pertaining to research question should be acknowledge by the researchers. The sample is sufficiently large as Polit and Beck (2012, p.285) propose that small sample size will be adequate if researcher is certain about the strong relationship of the independent and dependent variables and it is described under the subhe ading of methods p.212.This study can be generalized on the target population and patients receive chemotherapy. The investigators have described the eligibility criteria to enroll participants on ( p.212) to ensure a representative sample. However, sampling error can be minimized by increasing the sample size. Research Design The investigators used quasi experimental and cross sectional design to determine the effects of the interventions. The design used for the level of inquiry of research question and purpose of research was appropriate as Burn and Grove (2011, P.151) mentioned that this study design is to determine the effects of back massage on independent variables. The researcher did not discussed potential effects of confounding variables and possible measures to control such effects (validity). Polit and Beck (2012) proposes selection of homogeneous sample to control confounder, however, statistical analysis can also be used for the same purpose. The researchers gave enough information based on which study can be replicated. Data Collection The instruments Personal Information Form, The State Anxiety part of Spielberger State- Trait Anxiety Inventry (STAI) Brief Fatigue Inventory (BFI) were used for data collection. Personal Information consists of nine questions for that detail is given under the subheading of Personal Information on p. 212. Moreover, State- Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) instruments developed by Spielberger in 1964 has been used by Oner and Le Compte. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was given that shows validity and reliability. In addition, Brief Fatigue Inventory (BFI) developed by Mendoza (1999) which consists of 10 questions was used to assess fatigue, and the same scale was used by Cinar, Sezerli,Sarsmaz and Ments. The value of Cronbach alpha reliability coefficient of the scale verifies its validity and reliability. However, rationale for the selection of instruments was not given. Instruments used in this study were congruent with research questions. Are results of these tests sufficient to indicate their use? The instruments are suitable for use with the study sample. Quantitative Analysis Determining the effectiveness of back massage is the third level of inquiry of study question, and for that quasi experimental and cross sectional study design is best fit. The investigators calculated mean and standard deviation for age. Chi-square test has been used for qualitative ordinal variables. A non-parametric Friedman test that is substitute of ANOVA has been used to analyze mean BFI score for intra group variability. Moreover, a Wilcoxon non-parametric test alternative to paired t-test was used to examine mean STAI scores of patients before, after and right after chemotherapy. Furthermore, Mann-Whitney U test was used for mean STAI and BFI score of patients before and right after chemotherapy. Despite the fact that data were normally distributed, non- parametric test have been used. The link between the analysis and findings are logical, clear, and are evident by statistical rejection of null hypothesis by P-value. The researchers did not go beyond the data during interpretation of the findings, and they presented statistical result both in the narration and in tabulated form. The investigators used inferential statistic that is enough eviden ce to establish the correctness of the statistical result as Coughlan Cronin, P., Ryan (2007) noted that statistical significance assist the investigators to rule out threat to validity. The investigator presented findings in a table which is clear, simple, and accurate. Conclusions and Recommendations Data analysis clearly explained in reference to research questions and hypotheses. Since the study sample was small, the researchers made appropriate decision; based on significant findings and did not claim for generalizations beyond the study sample or population. However, the results are applicable on our patients who are planning for chemotherapy. If we will implement this intervention to our context, then it will lead to increase comfort, decrease fatigue, and anxiety. Furthermore, there are no risks of implementing study findings mentioned explicitly or inferred. The authors also recommended that back massage during chemotherapy is effective intervention to be practiced to control the side effects especially fatigue and anxiety and this recommendation is well supported by the others studies. However, the investigators did not give recommendations for future research studies. To determine the efficacy of back massage, a nursing intervention is a unique study which is significance for nursing practice. In this study the investigators used quasi experimental and cross sectional study design. Moreover, the study purpose of the study is explicitly stated. The investigators tested hypothesis with instrument which are reliable and valid and they described the instrument very comprehensively. Moreover, sample selection was carried out on strict eligibility criteria. Study findings have been explained in narration and in table. Finally, investigators gave conclusion based on findings that back massage is effective nursing intervention to decrease the fatigue and anxiety of the patients who receive chemotherapy. The investigators also mentioned that study cannot be generalized other than target population. References Burns, N., Grove, S. K. (2012). Understanding Nursing Research: Building an Evidence-Based Practice. Elsevier Health Sciences. Polit, D. F., Beck, C. T. (2012). Nursing Research: Generating and Assessing Evidence for Nursing Practice. Lippincott Williams Wilkins. Coughlan, M., Cronin, P., Ryan, F. (2007). Step-by-step guide to critiquing research. Part 1: quantitative research.British Journal of Nursing,16(11), 658-663.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Waiting in the Unemployment Line :: descriptive essay, observation essay

I am standing in line for unemployment benefits. There must be between four hundred to six hundred others here with me. Everyone here is a locked out Steelworkers from the Kaiser Mead plant. I see many faces I know in the crowd. We are all here because the Washington State Unemployment office downtown cannot handle such a crowd. All the members were told by the Union that this was the day that we had to signup for a new benefit year. Everyone was told to meet at the Carpenter's hall just off Division on Mission. The building is getting old and could use some maintenance. It is a cold dreary damp morning, and I am glad that I brought my coat along. The weather reflects the overall mood of the people in line. There is a lot of talking going on about what it is going to take to requlify for benefits. I think many fear that they will not receive any more checks from Unemployment. This morning I got up early to make sure I could make it on time. The last time they locked the doors on the hour. This is the only day we have to do this, so I did not want to miss out. Without unemployment benefits, I would go under fast. This is true for most of the people in line. I don't think they thought this many of us would have made the mandatory $2,646. If they had used the same method for sign up that they used last October, this whole process would have been easier on everyone. Previously people with last names starting with A-H went at 9:00am, I-P at 11:00am and so on. This kept it from becoming overcrowded like it is today. After about ten minutes someone comes out of the building yelling, "Go home if you have not made at least $2,800 since the benefit year started". The reason for this is because the state requires us to make six times our weekly benefit amount to be eligible for another benefit year. Of course no one let us know this until the benefits ran out in August. This left most steelworkers only a month and a half to make the money.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Verizon Stakeholders

Stakeholders Stakeholders are the ones who have a stake in the organization and thus in some way or the other are related to the organization. This broad definition of stakeholders often leads to confusion; hence a more narrow definition was derived that explains â€Å"group who are vital for the organization or groups that help to define the organization, its mission, purpose and goals, and or are most affected by the activities of the organization† (Lebeer, 2002, p. 181). Considering the above given definition, the stakeholders of Verizon can be segregated as internal as well as external stakeholders. Everybody who works for the organization can be considered as the internal stakeholder (Banhegyi, 2009, p. 395). The employees of Verizon are the internal stakeholders of the company; however the families of these employees are also considered to be a part of internal shareholders. The external stakeholders are the ones who are not a part of the organization, but have interest in the company (McManus, 2005, p. 147). In Verizon, the customers are considered as one of the most important external stakeholders. Apart from customers, the shareholders and the investors are also of great importance. Other external stakeholders are the government, the public, and the environment. According to stakeholders’ theory, the stakeholders should be identified and segregated into different groups depending upon the power and interest the exercise on the organization. This segregation is often called power grid. According to it, the stakeholders can be segregated into four different groups, these are: High power-High interest:These stakeholders have active interest in the day to day functioning of the firm, so they should actively participate in managing the organization. Interest coupled with power gives them the authority to take decision and set policies. Example: The management High interest-Low power: These stakeholders are interested in participating in the activities related to the organization but due to lack of power they cannot actively participate in the decision making process. The organization should keep them informed regarding the decision taken. Example: The employees High power-Low interest:The stakeholders who possess the power but are unwilling to participate in different organizational activities belong to this group. The management tries to appease this section of the stakeholders as far as possible. Example: Investors Lower interest-Low power:This set of stakeholder neither have the power to participate in the decision making activities nor do they have the interest to participate in any kind of activity related to the organization. Therefore, the organization should not pay much attention to them but their activities should be monitored on time to time basis. Example: Government, social interest groups, suppliers, etc. Figure 1: Power Grid (Source: Davies, 2007, p. 36)

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Marketing Mix-4p’s Strategy of Nestlé Pure Life (Npl) Essay

Product Strategy 1. Product Positioning: Product is something that is offered to the market. Nestlà © Pure Life (NPL) product strategy studies show that they are positioning the product with respect to its attributes that NPL is safe, pure, refreshing and healthy water. 2. Product line expansion: Nestlà © also does product line expansion; recently it has offered a 0.25 liter bottle of NPL in the market. It’s also using the company name with its product name i.e. Nestlà © Pure Life. NPL round shape and elegance of the bottle are instantly recognizable. Quality is cornerstone of NPL success. Nestle people say: â€Å"Quality is our more successful product and it is key to our success today and tomorrow.† Pricing Strategy 1. Non-price competition: In Price strategy, Nestle has adopted the strategy of non-price competition. It is offering one price for NPL to all cities of Pakistan. It also keeps the check on distributors to maintain single price of NPL. It offers trade discounts to its distributors. 2. Cost Based Pricing: The cost of production, which stands at the base of all pricing strategy, is well reflected in Nestle Pure Life price. Its rather higher price relative to other bottled waters can be explained using the Pricing Strategies Matrix. Since the quality of Nestle Pure Life is very high both from the Company’s and the consumers’ perspective, the high price justifies itself. Place of Distribution Strategy 1. Intensive distribution strategy: Placement is the distribution of the product to its customers at right time, in right quantity, at right price and at right place. To ensure this, channel adopted by the Nestlà © for distribution of NPL is as follows: Producer Wholesaler Retailer Consumer NPL comes under the category of Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG), so for this the timely supply is very important that’s why Nestlà © is following intensive distribution strategy. Promotion Strategies 1. Sponsorship: The Company is actively involved in sponsorship of educational and sports activities. In particular, the company sponsors Youth Pakhtakor, a young football team, and the friendly meetings or competitions of that team. Furthermore, outdoor posters and banners, references in movies and articles have made tens of thousands of people subconsciously aware of Nestle Pure Life (and other Nestle products). 2. Public relations: For establishing public relations, Nestlà © distributes its newsletters, annual reports, calendars and diaries, lobbying, donation for charitable and civic events. For the victims of 8th October 2005 earthquake, Nestlà © has donated 90 trucks, which were containing different foods items, and NPL was one of them which are around Rs. 2 Billion. The Nestle organized its teams to distribute products to the affected areas and all employees contributed from top to bottom.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The History of How Shoes Are Made

The History of How Shoes Are Made In most early civilizations, sandals were the most common footwear, however, a few early cultures had more substantial shoes. But shoes in ancient- and even not so ancient- civilizations had some major design differences than their modern-day counterparts. In fact, as late as the 1850s, most shoes were constructed on absolutely straight lasts (foot-shaped forms on which shoes were constructed and repaired), which meant that the right and the left shoes were pretty much the same. On the upside, that would make them interchangeable. On the downside, they were likely a lot less comfortable. Shoes in the BC In Mesopotamia, circa 1600 to 1200 BC, mountain people living on the border of Iran wore a type of soft shoes made of wraparound leather that was similar to a moccasin. Egyptians began making shoes from woven reeds as early as 1550 BC. Worn as overshoes, they were boat-shaped and had straps constructed of long, thin reeds covered by wider strips of the same material. Shoes in this style were still being made as late as the 19th century. Meanwhile, in China, shoes made from layers of hemp, circa the final century BC, were made in a process similar to quilting and featured decorative as well as functional stitching. Circa 43-450 AD Roman sandals are believed to be the first footwear specifically designed to fit the foot. Constructed with cork soles and leather straps or lacing, sandals were the same for men and women. Some military sandals known as caligae used hobnails to reinforce the soles. The imprints and patterns they left behind could be read as messages. Circa 937 AD Foot binding was a practice introduced in the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD) that became increasingly popular in China during the Song dynasty (960-1279 AD). Starting at age 5 to 8, the bones in girls feet were broken and then tightly wrapped to prevent growth. The ideal for womens feet was modeled after the lotus blossom and was decreed to be no more than three to four inches in length. Girls with tiny, highly arched feet were prized as prime marriage material- but the crippling practice left many of them barely able to walk. These tiny feet were adorned with dainty shoes constructed of silk or cotton and richly embroidered. Chinese women of the upper classes were often buried with many pairs of such shoes. While several bans were imposed on the practice (the first by Emperor Chun Chi of the Manchu dynasty in 1645 and the second by Emperor K’ang Hsi in 1662), foot-binding remained a common practice in China into the early 20th century. 12th Century Pointy-tipped Poulianes (â€Å"shoes  in the Polish fashion†) became popular in the middle ages and continued to come and go until the early 15th century. Circa 1350 to 1450 Pattens were overshoes worn to protect them from the elements and filthy street conditions. They were similar in function to more modern galoshes, except that pattens were made in the same shape as the shoes they were fitted over. 1450 to 1550 During the Renaissance, shoe fashions evolved from vertical lines favored by Gothic styles to become more horizontal. Nowhere was this more evident than in the toe shape. The richer and more powerful the wearer, the more extreme and broad the squared toe became. However, while squared toed shoes were prevalent, during this time, round-toed shoes began to emerge. Round-toed shoes were considered a more practical choice for children, however, even some adult shoes of the Tudor period featured the round profile. 17th Century During the mid-17th century, shoe fashions for men were mostly square-toed, however, it was at this time that the fork toe design debuted. Chopines, backless shoes or slippers featuring high platform soles, became popular throughout Renaissance Europe thanks to a revival in ancient Greek culture. The most notable examples from the period come from Spain (where the platforms were sometimes constructed from cork) and Italy. Men, as well as women, wore slip-on indoor slides known as mules, which were available in a variety of materials and colors and featured a slightly flared heel. In 1660, with the restoration of Charles II to the throne of France, fashions from the French courts grew in popularity across the Channel. Red heels, a style allegedly created for Charles himself, came into vogue and remained there well into the next century. 18th Century In the 18th century, shoes for upper-class women, such as salon mules, initially took shape as boudoir fashion but evolved into day and even dancewear. The erotically charged footwear was favored by Madame de Pompadour, mistress of Louis XV of France, who was in huge part responsible for the trend. Unfortunately, elegant shoes of the day were constructed of materials such as silk that rendered them inappropriate for outdoor use and as a result, pattens  (also known as clogs) made a big comeback, especially in big cities, such as London, that had yet to deal with the unsanitary conditions of its streets. Fast Facts: Shoe Laces Prior to shoestrings, shoes were commonly fastened with buckles.Modern shoestrings, which employed strings laced through shoe holes and then tied, were invented in England in 1790 (first recorded date, March 27).An aglet (from the Latin word for needle) is a small plastic or fiber tube used to bind the end of a shoelace, or similar cord, to prevent fraying and to allow the lace to be passed through an eyelet or another opening. In the 1780s, a fascination with all things â€Å"Oriental† led to the introduction of shoes with upturned toes known as Kampskatcha slippers. (While billed as an homage to Chinese fashion, they more closely resembled Juttis, the upturned slippers worn by affluent female members of the court of the Mughal Empire.) From the 1780s through the 1790s, the height of heels gradually decreased. With the approach of the French Revolution (1787-99), excess was seen with increasing disdain, and less became more. 19th Century Styles In 1817, the Duke of Wellington commissioned the boots that would become synonymous with his name. Streamlined and free of ornamentation, â€Å"Wellies† became all the rage. The rubberized version, still popular today, was introduced in the 1850s by the North British Rubber Company. In the following decade, the family shoemaking firm of C J Clark Ltd was founded and remains one of Englands leading shoe manufacturers. Prior to 1830, there was no difference between right and left shoes. French shoemakers came up with the idea of placing little labels on the insoles of shoes: â€Å"Gauche† for the left, and â€Å"Droit† for the right. While the shoes were still both straight in shape, since the French style was considered the height of fashion, other countries were quick to emulate the trend. In 1837 by J. Sparkes Hall patented the elastic side boot, which allowed them to be put on and taken off much more easily than those that required buttons or laces. Hall actually presented a pair of them to Queen Victoria, and the style remained popular through the end of the 1850s. By the 1860s, flat, squared-toed shoes featuring side lacing were de rigeur. This left the front of the shoes free for decoration. Rosettes were a popular embellishment of the day for women’s shoes. In the mid- to late-1800s unassembled shoes made with flat sheets of woven straw were produced in Italy and sold across Europe and in America to be put together as shoemakers saw fit. In the mid-1870s, the Manchu people of China (who did not practice foot binding) favored platform shoes that were the precursors to 20th-century fashion styles. Hoof-shaped pedestals afforded increased balance. Women’s shoes were taller and more intricately decorated than those for men. 19th Century Innovations in Shoe Manufacturing 1830s: Plimsolls, canvas-topped shoes with rubber soles, first manufactured by the Liverpool Rubber Company, make their debut as beachwear.June 15, 1844: Inventor and manufacturing engineer Charles Goodyear receives a patent for vulcanized rubber, a chemical process that uses heat to meld rubber to fabric or other components for a sturdier, more permanent bond.1858: Lyman Reed Blake, an American inventor receives a patent for the specialized sewing machine he developed that stitches the soles of shoes to the uppers.January 24, 1871: Charles Goodyear Jrs patents the Goodyear Welt, a machine for sewing boots and shoes.1883: Jan Ernst Matzeliger patents an automatic method for lasting shoes that paves the way for the mass production of affordable shoes.January 24, 1899: Irish-American Humphrey OSullivan patents the first rubber heel for shoes. Later, Elijah McCoy (best known for developing a lubricating system for railroad steam engines that did not require trains to stop) invents an im proved rubber heel. Keds, Converse, and the Evolution of Sneakers In 1892, nine small rubber manufacturing companies consolidated to form the U.S. Rubber Company. Among them was the Goodyear Metallic Rubber Shoe Company, organized in the 1840s in Naugatuck, Connecticut, the first licensee of Charles Goodyears vulcanization process. While Plimsolls had been on the scene for nearly six decades, vulcanization was a game-changer for rubber-soled canvas shoes. From 1892 to 1913, the rubber footwear divisions of U.S. Rubber were manufacturing their products under 30 different brand names but the company decided to consolidate their brands under a single name. The initial favorite was Peds, from the Latin for foot, but another company already owned that trademark. By 1916, the choice had come down to two final alternatives: ​Veds  or Keds. The k sound won out and Keds were born. The same year, Keds introduced their Champion Sneaker for Women. Keds were first mass-marketed as canvas-top sneakers in 1917. Henry Nelson McKinney, a copywriter who worked for the N. W. Ayer Son Advertising Agency, coined the word sneaker to connote the quiet, stealthy nature of rubber-soled shoes. Other shoes, with the exception of moccasins, were noisy while sneakers were practically silent. (The Keds brand was acquired by the Stride Rite Corporation in 1979, which was in turn purchased by Wolverine World Wide in 2012). 1917 was a banner year for basketball shoes. Converse All Stars, the first shoe specifically designed for the game, were introduced. Soon after, Chuck Taylor, an iconic player of the day, became the brand ambassador. The design has remained pretty much the same over the years, and remain firmly ensconced in the cultural landscape today.   Early 20th Century Styles As at the close of the 19th century, low-heeled shoes began to fall increasingly out of favor and as the new century dawned, higher heels made a huge resurgence. However, not everyone was willing to suffer for fashion. In 1906, Chicago-based podiatrist William Mathias  Scholl  launched his eponymous brand of corrective footwear, Dr. Scholl’s. By the 1910s, morality and fashion were increasingly at odds. Nice girls were expected to play by a stringent set of rules, including those instituted with regard to the heel height of women’s shoes. Anything over three inches was considered â€Å"indecent.† Spectator shoes, the two-toned Oxfords commonly worn by British patrons of sporting events gained huge popularity among the well to do in England at the close of WWI. In America, however, spectators became part of the counterculture instead. By the ’40s, spectators often accompanied Zoot suits, the over-the-top outfits sported by African American and Hispanic men in defiance of the fashion status quo. One of the most innovative shoe designers of the 20th century, Salvatore Ferragamo, rose to fame in the 1930s. In addition to experimenting with unusual materials including kangaroo, crocodile, and fish skin, Ferragamo drew on historic inspiration for his shoes. His cork wedge sandals- often imitated and reimagined- are considered one of the most important shoe designs of the 20th century. Meanwhile, in Norway, a designer named Nils Gregoriusson Tveranger was looking to create a shoe that was truly comfortable and fashionable. His unisex innovation, a slip-on shoe called the Aurland moccasin was inspired by Native American moccasins and slip-ons favored by Norwegian fishermen. The shoes took off, both in Europe and in America. Not long after, the Spaulding family based in New Hampshire launched a similar shoe called The Loafer, which would eventually become the generic term for this slip-on style. In 1934, G. H. Bass debuted his Weejuns (a play on the word â€Å"Norwegian† as a nod to the homeland of the original designer). Weejuns had a distinctive strip of leather across the saddle featuring a cutout design. Kids who wore them started putting pennies or dimes into the slot, and the shoes became known as- you guessed it- Penny Loafers. The boat (or deck) shoe was invented by American boater Paul Sperry in 1935. After watching how his dog was able to maintain stability on ice, Sperry was inspired to cut grooves into the soles of his shoes and a brand was born. Post World War II the Latter Half of the 20th Century WWII was the crucible for a number of shoe trends. Doc Martens, combining comfortable air-cushioned soles with durable uppers were invented by Dr. Klaus Maertens in 1947. In 1949, Brothel creepers, the brainchild of British shoemaker George Cox, transformed the sole of an army boot into a thick exaggerated wedge made their debut. Loafers had long been considered a shoe of the hoi polloi in America but when the style was reinvented in 1953 by the House of Gucci, it became the shoe of choice for formal occasions for affluent fashion enthusiasts of both genders and remained so through the 1980s. Stiletto heels (whose name was a nod to a Sicilian fighting blade) became increasingly popular in the 1950s as the curvy female hourglass figure came back into vogue. Designer Roger Vivier of the House Dior is credited as having the most influence on shoes of this style from the period. While they’ve existed for more than 6,000 years in some form or other, the Y-shaped rubber sandals known as flip-flops became pretty much ubiquitous in the 1960s. The Birkenstock family have been making shoes since 1774, however, it wasn’t until 1964 when Karl Birkenstock transformed the arch support inserts for his shoes into soles for sandals that the company became a household name. During the 1970s disco craze, platform shoes became hot, hot, hot. Taking a leaf from Salvatore Ferragamo’s designs from four decades earlier, men and women hit the dance floor in outrageously high shoes.  One of the most popular brands of the era was Candie’s, a clothing brand that launched in 1978. Ugg boots debut in 1978. Uggs were originally made of sheepskin and worn by Australian surfers to warm up their feet after being in the water. In 1978, after Brian Smith imported Uggs to California under the label UGG Australia, the brand took off and has remained a fashion staple ever since but knockoffs in a variety of synthetic and cheaper materials have flooded the market. With the 1980s came a fitness craze that changed the shape of footwear. Designers such as Reebok increasingly took branding and specialization to heart in hopes of raising both profile and profits. The most successful athletic brand to cash in on this trend is Nike’s Air Jordan, which encompasses basketball shoes and athletic and casual style clothing. The brand was created for five-time NBA MVP Michael Jordan.  Designed for Nike by Peter Moore,  Tinker Hatfield, and Bruce Kilgore, the original Air Jordan sneakers were produced in 1984 and were solely for Jordan’s use, but were released to the public later that year. The brand continues to thrive in the 2000s. Vintage Air Jordans, especially those with some special personal connection to Michael Jordan, have sold for exorbitant prices (the highest recorded as of 2018 was in excess of $100,000). Sources â€Å"Timeline: A History of Shoes†. Victoria Albert Museumâ€Å"History of the Penny Loafer†. Tricker’s EnglandAcedera, Shane. â€Å"The Most Expensive Air Jordans†. SportOne. May 18, 2018Cartwright, Mark. â€Å"Foot Binding†. Ancient History Encyclopedia. September 27, 2017

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Holmium Facts - Element Atomic Number 67

Holmium Facts - Element Atomic Number 67 Holmium is atomic number 67 with element symbol Ho. It is a rare earth metal belonging to the lanthanide series. HolmiumBasic Facts Atomic Number: 67 Symbol: Ho Atomic Weight: 164.93032 Discovery: Delafontaine 1878 or J.L. Soret 1878 (Switzerland) Electron Configuration: [Xe] 4f11 6s2 Element Classification: Rare Earth (Lanthanide) Word Origin: Holmia, the Latinized name for Stockholm, Sweden. Holmium Physical Data Density (g/cc): 8.795 Melting Point (K): 1747 Boiling Point (K): 2968 Appearance: relatively soft, malleable, lustrous, silvery metal Atomic Radius (pm): 179 Atomic Volume (cc/mol): 18.7 Covalent Radius (pm): 158 Ionic Radius: 89.4 (3e) Specific Heat (20Â °C J/g mol): 0.164 Evaporation Heat (kJ/mol): 301 Pauling Negativity Number: 1.23 First Ionizing Energy (kJ/mol): 574 Oxidation States: 3 Lattice Structure: Hexagonal Lattice Constant (Ã…): 3.580 Lattice C/A Ratio: 1.570 References: Los Alamos National Laboratory (2001), Crescent Chemical Company (2001), Langes Handbook of Chemistry (1952), CRC Handbook of Chemistry Physics (18th Ed.) What is an element? Return to the Periodic Table

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Cap Nnaf Essay Example for Free

Cap Nnaf Essay Choose cite format: APA MLA Harvard Chicago ASA IEEE AMA Mr. Raghunath was happy that Rahul showed keen interest in his business but was worried about Ram who would always spend time with computers. He felt that if the interest of the two sons be put together they could start a flourishing business of their own. The boom in the IT industry made him find ways to satisfy his son’s dream. After college, the twins were drifting apart due to varied interest. Mr. Raghunath decided that this is the time for him to intervene and make decisions for his sons. He decided to start a computer business for his sons. He asked Rahul, a commerce graduate to draw up a proposal for the same. Rahul came out with the following ideas: The area they lived on ad run shop consisted of middle income group families and many of them did not possess computers at home Their shop could provide the following services: * Computer classes for various age groups. * Computer using facilities on payment per hourly basis and printing of documents from computers. * Internet access facility at the prevailing market rates by entering into contract with AIRTEL. * Computer games corer for children Rajiv jumped at the idea and they made up a common proposal. Rajiv wanted that they purchase 10 computers and start with first two areas of operation and expand when things go well. The shop they had at the market place was a single storey building. Their father offered to build the first floor and give it to them for their business. He spent `5,00,000 on construction of the facility and gave them `5,00,000 for the business. The sons went to bank and put up their proposal and managed to get a loan to the extent of 75% of the cost of computers ` 4,00,000 with printers. As the bank manager was aware of the credit worthiness of Mr. Raghunath, he advanced loan of `3,00,000. Total amount to be repaid will be `3,60,000 including interest in three annual installments as follows: * End of the first year = ` 1,30,000 * End of the 2nd year = ` 1,20,000 * End of the 3rd year = ` 1,10,000 (Where ` 1, 00,000 is the principal repayment) They started business on 1st April 2010. Rahul decided to deposit ` 4, 40,000 in the bank. He gave ` 1, 00,000 to computer company as 25% of the value of computers purchased and ` 3, 00,000 out of bank loan availed. He deposited ` 20,000 for electrical connection with the Electricity Board. He paid deposit of ` 1, 00,000 with AIRTEL for Internet connection. He used the telephone connection of the shop as there were two connections at the shop. The brothers got the computer cafe furnished by paying ` 50,000. Rahul got pamphlets printed and distributed at the cost of ` 4,500 in the surrounding colonies. All payments were to be made by cheques. All the receipts were in cash to be deposited in the bank on the same day. The students on the average paid a monthly fee of ` 500 for the three months computer evening classes. There were a number of internet subscribers and receipts on account of internet facility was ` 10,000 a month in the first quarter on an average. They decided to buy and sell computer stationery also like floppy, discs, CDs etc. At the end of the financial year, their results showed the following: | `| Total revenue including sale of computer stationery| 4,98,000| Purchase of computer stationery| 55,000| Electricity charges yet to be paid| 1,24,000| Telephone charges| 34,000| Petty expenses| 12,000| Entertainment expenses| 10,000| Maintenance expenses| 10,000| There was a helper at their father’s shop, who agreed to clean up the computer cafe and fetched water to various visitors. For the additional services, he was paid ` 500 per month. They withdrew `. 3, 000 by cheque each month for their personal expenses. They paid bank loan regularly. The father was pleased at their son’s efficiency. He wanted to expand business. Mean while Rahul received the pass book statement (for the end of March 2011) which showed the transactions as follows: Particulars| Deposit| Withdrawal | Balance `| Balance as on 1 march 2011| | | 4,76,500 CR| Fees remitted direct into business account. | 50,000| | 5,26,500 CR| Bank charges| | 500| 5,26,000 CR| Withdrawal by cheque no†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦| | 6,000| 5,20,000 CR| Payment by cheque no†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. | | 6,000| 5,14,000 CR| Interest credited| 2,000| | 5,16,000 CR| Balance as on 31 march 2011| | | 5,16,000 (CR)| 1. Analyze the transactions and explain the rules applied as per double entry system of bookkeeping. 2. Journalize the above transactions. Post them into the ledgers and prepare trial balance. 3. Prepare Bank Reconciliation Statement and make necessary adjustment in the books of account. 4. Prepare Profit and Loss account and Balance Sheet. 5. Charge depreciation @25% on computers, @10% on furniture, 5% on buildings. 6. Paisa can be rounded off. 7. What are the basic assumptions and concepts applied by Rahul while preparing the above statements? 8. Calculate profitability ratios. 9. They approached bank for further loan. Compute the ratios the banker will require before granting the loan. 10. Comment on the efficiency of the business if the net profit and gross profit in similar type of business concerns are 20% and 50% respectively. —————————————— Cap Nnaf. (2018, Oct 17).

Friday, October 18, 2019

Current Market Conditions - Toyota Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Current Market Conditions - Toyota - Essay Example Toyota’s manufacture numbers get to a 726,103 units, which indicated the company’s overall growth of 12%. Due to increased consumption and healthy overall trend Toyota is looking forward to manufacture 9.32 million automobiles in the coming year. It has been estimated that a 9 percent increase in the market share will make Toyota the largest carmaker in the world, leaving behind General Motors, Ford and Honda. Toyota would also be able to end the rule of General Motors (GM) for more than 81 years. Overall an increasing trend in car selling was witnessed among all Japanese companies in last year. The trend is still going on and would increase in the coming year. So it is a healthier sign for Toyota. It has been analyzed due to increased demand for Toyota vehicles all over the world; Toyota has to boost up the supply of their vehicles in the market. It does require more than an increase in the efficiency of current manufacturing capacity. Obviously Toyota would have to install new manufacturing plants and units in different region of the world especially where the production cost is low. The overall increase of 4% in the demand in coming years would have to be served in a way without affecting the supply and demand relation. The analysis shows that major companies in car making industry faced trouble in maintain the equilibrium between demands and supply either due to unaware of the market forecasting or due to failure in increasing the supply. The failure of before time measures to increase capacity went on affecting the market share of those companies even after several years. Toyota is implementing lots of new regulations from government. It has been noticed that the federal government organization in charge for vehicle safety and security is continue to force Toyota to manufacture models of its trucks and pickups less easier for small children and infants. Obviously the argument behind that is to

Don Quixote by Miguel De Cervantes Research Paper

Don Quixote by Miguel De Cervantes - Research Paper Example But as he went along, it became a highly entertaining and wonderful story, â€Å"quite as adventurous as any old –time romance, full of humor , abounding in wisdom an the very day things of life ,and to a certain extend ,of human nature â€Å" (N L Carrington). The theme of this novel is the tragedy that befalls those who are incapable of realizing the change of times and stick on the values and manners of a bygone era . The story which is a panorama of captivating events embodies the life, manners and milieu of medieval Europe which even at the time of his writing were outdated. The name of the book in Spanish is â€Å"E1 Ingeniso hidaldo Don Quixote de la mancha†. The hero Alonso Quixado belonging to place called La Mancha is a member of the lower nobility.(hidaldo) .He is tall and lean, about fifty years old , with cheeks that appeared to be kissing each other on the inside of his mouth, a neck half-yard long . Books of chivalry and adventure, which became very com mon in the fifteenth century, had been his obsession. Innumerable such books he has read with relish and enthusiasm. As a result, his mind is steeped in gripping accounts of enchantments, battles, challenges, wooing and agonies. He has thus lost his sanity. He fancies that he can make himself a knight errant and roam the world in full armor, righting every kind of wrong and exposing himself to peril, thus he will reap eternal renown’s as the undoer of injustice, the protector of damsels, the terror of giants and the winner of battles. In the book Don Quixote he himself says â€Å"I know I’m capable of ...of being all the Twelve Peers of France, and all the Nine Worthies as well, for my exploits will be far greater than all deeds they have done all together and each by myself† The novel is a highly amusing account of how this strange hero living in a make-believe world of medieval romance and adventure tries to make good this boast. The first thing he does is to change his name in keeping with the glorified office of a knight. The pedestrian Quixado thus becomes (Don Quixote of La Mancha, â€Å"Don ‘being the title reserved for the highly sophisticated and upper class in society, equivalent to ‘Sir’ In English. A knight was expected to have chivalric lady love. And he gallantly chooses a sturdy farm –lass, to whom he was never uttered a word, and gives her the name Dulceniadel Toboso. The next requirement was a mighty steed. A white but sickly and lean horse he manages to get from his family stable, and renames it Rocinate. A Set of ancient metal armor, helmet, sword and spear he is able to get from a dark room in his house and this serves as his knightly equipment. The armor and helmet are too large and heavy for his lean and lank body. But It is with supreme satisfaction that he whereas the armor and wields the weapons although the onlookers find him totally grotesque and funny. His knightly pose is complete onl y when he takes with him, as his squire or assistant, Sancho Panza, a stupid fat and short farmer from the neighboring village, According to stories of chivalry, the squire is to follow the knight –errant on another horse, but as they fail to secure a horse, Sancho Panza rides on a donkey. Don Quixote gives Sancho all kinds of promises including that of the governorship of a newly conquered island, and the foolish squire believes in all that completely. The ludicrous situations created by this pair going out in search of adventures are of unending interest

Policy Briefing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Policy Briefing - Essay Example Its main mission has remained unchanged; to prevent and detect illegal entry of people into the United States of America. The department of homeland security is currently in charge of border security in the country. The point of interest is often the American Mexico border. Together with other law enforcers, the border patrol team has continued to place the US border under surveillance with an intention of identifying any threat to national security as well as illegal entry. Border policy does not prevent people from entering the United States, it only ensures that the entrance of people who are in possession of legal documents as well as screening individuals who may be trafficking contrabands and drugs into the country (Chà ¡vez, 2003). The border patrol in the county is responsible for patrolling two thousand miles of coastal waters surrounding Florida peninsula as well as six thousand miles of Canadian and Mexican border (Ngai, 2008). The agents are allowed to work around the clock in all types of weather conditions and terrain as well as in other isolated communities within the county. So many changes have taken place since the inception of the policy in the 1924. The number of agents patrolling the border has been increased to over twenty one thousands agents by the end of 2012. Although the United States border control measures may be considered as strict by many international states, I believe that their actions are extremely justified. The United States government has a mandate of ensuring that the people are safe from terrorists and other insecurities (DHS Increases Border Security in Response to Narcotrafficking Violence., 2009). The border patrol team thereby acts to ensure that the likelihood of dangerous people entering the United States of America is lowered. These activities are often accomplished through following leads, maintaining surveillance, interpreting and following tracks as well as responding to aircraft

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Role of Individuals in Historical Thought Essay

Role of Individuals in Historical Thought - Essay Example With the progress of history, the intensifying and expansion of historical efforts, and the advancement of ‘science, technology and society’ a great number individuals take part in historical happenings and every person plays a ‘mounting role’ in the historical course and boosts his involvement to the ‘treasure store’ of material as well as religious way of life. The inventive action of the person is especially great within communist society where there are encouraging environment for free of charge labour and activity in different fields of social existence (Plekhanov, p. 32, 2003). Individuals, not Forces, make History Great individuals do not emerge accidentally but through historical requirement, when the resultant objective circumstances are ready. Exceptional leaders arrive at the forefront during a phase of fundamental radical alterations within society, political activities and known revolts. People of intellect appear in science usually when invention needs some outstanding scientific breakthrough. Exceptional artists, most of the time, show their flair on the most important ‘turning points in history’. In addition, a brilliant individual will go down in history simply if the general public requires his aptitude, temperament and intelligence on a particular phase of its progress. The leaders of the working class and all the waged people - such as Marx, Engels and Lenin - were wonderful individuals who left a profound mark on history. They were leaders of a â€Å"qualitatively new type† (Plekhanov, p. 51, 2003), impressive scholars and controller of the best faction of the public, the radical association of the working class. They had pledge and valour, unwavering personal belief in the impartiality of the socialist reasons, affection for the individuals and extreme dislike for their opponents. They were strongly connected with the public, trained them and in turn gained knowledge from the publi c, taking a broader view of their â€Å"rich revolutionary experience† (Limaye, p. 193, 1986). Lately, Oakeshott's efforts have been described as a ‘reformulation’ of moderation, one which attempts to free it of the conventionally main policies of â€Å"materialism, economism, and utilitarianism† (Limaye, p. 221, 1986). His individualism is known to be a systematically ‘Hegelian’ dismissal of the usual exact assumptions causing the materialist belief. Oakeshott is quoted mostly for having symbolically explained human activity along with interaction as dialogue. Ironically, a number of political philosophers fail to notice Oakeshott's added declaration that the persistent obsession with particular activities has in fact facilitated in making the general discussion of humanity relatively uninteresting.â€Å"Philosophy, on the other hand, is also effectively conversational; it is unusually conversable† (Limaye, p. 291, 1986). Oakeshottâ₠¬â„¢s formation of history is possibly more an issue of ‘modesty than of nihilism’. For Oakeshott, history’ as it is generally considered is a vague phrase, exemplifying two separate thoughts. First, there is the estimated sum of the existence of humankind, or the course of - in some way related - happenings inside this human account. This is a ‘past com prised’ of real historical happenings as well as individuals by actual historical performers; it is they, who make history, not the historians. Oakeshott argues that as it imagines history as a helpful collection of evidence to be mastered; this is not an appropriately

Behaviorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Behaviorism - Essay Example All methodologies trace their roots in history. Although, there is no classification which has actually been agreed upon but beside the main three methodological, psychological and logical types, there other few which are titled, like theoretical, biological and radical. The conduct of methodological behaviorism claims that it should only concern itself with the behavior of organisms, not with mental states and environment surrounding them. The focus is on the source of behavior .The essential theme of John Watson (1878-1958) writings is methodological behaviorism. Reinforcement, learning histories, external physical stimuli and responses in human and animals are the claims of Psychological behaviorism. Most of the prominent psychologists, Pavlov (1849-1936), Edward Thorndike (1874-1949), as well as Watson, have worked on it but the most famous work is on schedules of reinforcement by B. F. Skinner's (1904-90).Logical Positivism (see Smith 1986), a philosophical movement, has given b irth to Analytical behaviorism. It focuses on concepts, which refer to behavioral patterns which can or should be interpreted into behavioral terms. It explains how environment controls behaviors and predicts if the environment changes how behavior will change in relation to it. Gilbert Ryle (1900-76), and later work of Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-51) is a good source of analytical behaviorism. An advocated brand of analytic behaviorism, by T. Place (1924-2000), restricted it to intentional states of mind, such as beliefs, which took place to constitute a type, although not the only type, of mentality (see Graham and Valentine 2004). It says that behind every mental state there are behavioral tendencies and situations.Since psychology is a natural science of behavior in organisms, psychologists in a different manner, observed animal behavior. As a result, theoretical concepts were defined. Developmental study was the idea, which appeared at a big scale, during the early research progr ams by the behaviorists. They believed that the routine action of excess activities plays a key role in the development of humans. Developmental studies attracted Watson. Early behaviorist texts, Dashiell, Weiss, Allport and Hamilton also worked on this idea. Internal drive states and motivational theories were emphasized by the behaviorists. The result was "No expression without impression; no response without stimulation" by Dashiell (1994) would conclude this contribution the best. The psychology of habit formation related to trial and error, conditioned stimulus and an extensive explanation of response was the prominent contributions. Behaviorists were highly attracted towards the idea of habit formation through conditioning. Allport (1994) concluded that transferring the right responses to new stimuli was the core of education. The significance of social behavior, social stimulus and reactions which stimulate the social objects relating to behavior was added to psychology. Sinc e 1920's, language acquisition and language itself was always been linked to self-stimulation and response. Language responses were considered as substitute and symbolic stimuli independent of the sensory feature of the original stimulus. Quine (1960) captured a behaviorist approach to the study of language, which was widely

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Policy Briefing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Policy Briefing - Essay Example Its main mission has remained unchanged; to prevent and detect illegal entry of people into the United States of America. The department of homeland security is currently in charge of border security in the country. The point of interest is often the American Mexico border. Together with other law enforcers, the border patrol team has continued to place the US border under surveillance with an intention of identifying any threat to national security as well as illegal entry. Border policy does not prevent people from entering the United States, it only ensures that the entrance of people who are in possession of legal documents as well as screening individuals who may be trafficking contrabands and drugs into the country (Chà ¡vez, 2003). The border patrol in the county is responsible for patrolling two thousand miles of coastal waters surrounding Florida peninsula as well as six thousand miles of Canadian and Mexican border (Ngai, 2008). The agents are allowed to work around the clock in all types of weather conditions and terrain as well as in other isolated communities within the county. So many changes have taken place since the inception of the policy in the 1924. The number of agents patrolling the border has been increased to over twenty one thousands agents by the end of 2012. Although the United States border control measures may be considered as strict by many international states, I believe that their actions are extremely justified. The United States government has a mandate of ensuring that the people are safe from terrorists and other insecurities (DHS Increases Border Security in Response to Narcotrafficking Violence., 2009). The border patrol team thereby acts to ensure that the likelihood of dangerous people entering the United States of America is lowered. These activities are often accomplished through following leads, maintaining surveillance, interpreting and following tracks as well as responding to aircraft

Behaviorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Behaviorism - Essay Example All methodologies trace their roots in history. Although, there is no classification which has actually been agreed upon but beside the main three methodological, psychological and logical types, there other few which are titled, like theoretical, biological and radical. The conduct of methodological behaviorism claims that it should only concern itself with the behavior of organisms, not with mental states and environment surrounding them. The focus is on the source of behavior .The essential theme of John Watson (1878-1958) writings is methodological behaviorism. Reinforcement, learning histories, external physical stimuli and responses in human and animals are the claims of Psychological behaviorism. Most of the prominent psychologists, Pavlov (1849-1936), Edward Thorndike (1874-1949), as well as Watson, have worked on it but the most famous work is on schedules of reinforcement by B. F. Skinner's (1904-90).Logical Positivism (see Smith 1986), a philosophical movement, has given b irth to Analytical behaviorism. It focuses on concepts, which refer to behavioral patterns which can or should be interpreted into behavioral terms. It explains how environment controls behaviors and predicts if the environment changes how behavior will change in relation to it. Gilbert Ryle (1900-76), and later work of Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-51) is a good source of analytical behaviorism. An advocated brand of analytic behaviorism, by T. Place (1924-2000), restricted it to intentional states of mind, such as beliefs, which took place to constitute a type, although not the only type, of mentality (see Graham and Valentine 2004). It says that behind every mental state there are behavioral tendencies and situations.Since psychology is a natural science of behavior in organisms, psychologists in a different manner, observed animal behavior. As a result, theoretical concepts were defined. Developmental study was the idea, which appeared at a big scale, during the early research progr ams by the behaviorists. They believed that the routine action of excess activities plays a key role in the development of humans. Developmental studies attracted Watson. Early behaviorist texts, Dashiell, Weiss, Allport and Hamilton also worked on this idea. Internal drive states and motivational theories were emphasized by the behaviorists. The result was "No expression without impression; no response without stimulation" by Dashiell (1994) would conclude this contribution the best. The psychology of habit formation related to trial and error, conditioned stimulus and an extensive explanation of response was the prominent contributions. Behaviorists were highly attracted towards the idea of habit formation through conditioning. Allport (1994) concluded that transferring the right responses to new stimuli was the core of education. The significance of social behavior, social stimulus and reactions which stimulate the social objects relating to behavior was added to psychology. Sinc e 1920's, language acquisition and language itself was always been linked to self-stimulation and response. Language responses were considered as substitute and symbolic stimuli independent of the sensory feature of the original stimulus. Quine (1960) captured a behaviorist approach to the study of language, which was widely

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Methods of Data Collection Essay Example for Free

Methods of Data Collection Essay Introduction: Data Collection is an important aspect of any type of research study. Inaccurate data collection can impact the results of a study and ultimately lead to invalid results. Data collection methods for impact evaluation vary along a continuum. At the one end of this continuum are quantitative methods and at the other end of the continuum are qualitative methods for data collection. Bakhtadze (2012:82) ‘When you have decided on a topic, refined it and specified objectives, you start considering the ways of collecting the evidence you require. The initial question that guides you is: â€Å"What do I need to know to answer my research problem? Why do I need it?† After you have answered the question you start choosing the best ways of collecting information. Researchers next decide how they are going to collect their empirical research data. That is they decide what method of data collection (test, questionnaires, focus group, observation, interviews) they are going to use to physically obtain research data from their research participants.’ University of Wilconsin (2012)The Quantitative data collection methods, rely on random sampling and structured data collection instruments that fit diverse experiences into predetermined response categories. They produce results that are easy to summarize, compare, and generalize. Quantitative research is concerned with testing hypotheses derived from theory and/or being able to estimate the size of a phenomenon of interest. Depending on the research question, participants may be randomly assigned to different treatments. If this is not feasible, the researcher may collect data on participant and situational characteristics in order to statistically control for their influence on the dependent, or outcome, variable. If the intent is to generalize from the research participants to a larger population, the researcher will employ probability sampling to select participants. Typical quantitative data gathering strategies include: * Experiments/clinical trials.   * Observing and recording well-defined events (e.g., counting the number of patients waiting in emergency at specified times of the day). * Obtaining relevant data from management information systems. * Administering surveys with closed-ended questions (e.g., face-to face and telephone interviews, questionnaires etc). Wikipedia (2012) In statistics, survey methodology is the field that studies the sampling of individuals from a population with a view towards making statistical inferences about the population using the sample. Polls about public opinion, such as political beliefs, are reported in the news media in democracies. Other types of survey are used for scientific purposes. Surveys provide important information for all kinds of research fields, e.g., marketing research, psychology, health professionals and sociology. A survey may focus on different topics such as preferences (e.g., for a presidential candidate), behavior (smoking and drinking behavior), or factual information (e.g., income), depending on its purpose. Since survey research is always based on a sample of the population, the success of the research is dependent on the representativeness of the population of concern. Survey methodology seeks to identify principles about the design, collection, processing, and analysis of surveys in connection to the cost and quality of survey estimates. It focuses on improving quality within cost constraints, or alternatively, reducing costs for a fixed level of quality. Survey methodology is both a scientific field and a profession. Part of the task of a survey methodologist is making a large set of decisions about thousands of individual features of a survey in order to improve it. The most important methodological challenges of a survey methodologist include making decisions on how to: * Identify and select potential sample members. * Contact sampled individuals and collect data from those who are hard to reach (or reluctant to respond). * Evaluate and test questions. * Select the mode for posing questions and collecting responses. * Train and supervise interviewers (if they are involved). * Check data files for accuracy and internal consistency. * Adjust survey estimates to correct for identified errors. Advantages * They are relatively easy to administer. * Can be developed in less time compared with other data-collection methods. * Can be cost-effective. * Few experts are required to develop a survey, which may increase the reliability of the survey data. * If conducted remotely, can reduce or obviate geographical dependence. * Useful in describing the characteristics of a large population assuming the sampling is valid. * Can be administered remotely via the Web, mobile devices, mail, e-mail, telephone, etc. * Efficient at collecting information from a large number of respondents. * Statistical techniques can be applied to the survey data to determine validity, reliability, and statistical significance even when analyzing multiple variables. * Many questions can be asked about a given topic giving considerable flexibility to the analysis. * Support both between and within-subjects study designs. * A wide range of information can be collected (e.g., attitudes, values, beliefs, and behaviour). * Because they are standardized, they are relatively free from several types of errors. Disadvantages The reliability of survey data may depend on the following: * Respondents motivation, honesty, memory, and ability to respond: * Respondents may not be motivated to give accurate answers. * Respondents may be motivated to give answers that present themselves in a favorable light. * Respondents may not be fully aware of their reasons for any given action. * Structured surveys, particularly those with closed ended questions, may have low validity when researching affective variables. * Self-selection bias: Although the individuals chosen to participate in surveys are often randomly sampled, errors due to non-response may exist ( Adà ©r et al. (2008:13) . That is, people who choose to respond on the survey may be different from those who do not respond, thus biasing the estimates. For example, polls or surveys that are conducted by calling a random sample of publicly available telephone numbers will not include the responses of people with unlisted telephone numbers, mobile (cell) phone numbers, people who are unable to answer the phone (e.g., because they normally sleep during the time of day the survey is conducted, because they are at work, etc.), people who do not answer calls from unknown or unfamiliar telephone numbers. Likewise, such a survey will include a disproportionate number of respondents who have traditional, land-line telephone service with listed phone numbers, and people who stay home much of the day and are much more likely to be available to participate in the survey (e.g., people who are unemployed, disabled, elderly, etc.). * Question design. Survey question answer-choices could lead to vague data sets because at times they are relative only to a personal abstract notion concerning strength of choice. For instance the choice moderately agree may mean different things to different subjects, and to anyone interpreting the data for correlation. Even yes or no answers are problematic because subjects may for instance put no if the choice only once is not available. Questionnaires Wikipedia (2012)A questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions and other prompts for the purpose of gathering information from respondents. Although they are often designed for statistical analysis of the responses, this is not always the case. The questionnaire was invented by Sir Francis Galton. Questionnaires have advantages over some other types of surveys in that they are cheap, do not require as much effort from the questioner as verbal or telephone surveys, and often have standardized answers that make it simple to compile data. However, such standardized answers may frustrate users. Questionnaires are also sharply limited by the fact that respondents must be able to read the questions and respond to them. Thus, for some demographic groups conducting a survey by questionnaire may not be practical. As a type of survey, questionnaires also have many of the same problems relating to question construction and wording that exist in other types of opini on polls. Basic rules for questionnaire item construction * Use statements which are interpreted in the same way by members of different subpopulations of the population of interest. * Use statements where persons that have different opinions or traits will give different answers. * Think of having an open answer category after a list of possible answers. * Use only one aspect of the construct you are interested in per item. * Use positive statements and avoid negatives or double negatives. * Do not make assumptions about the respondent. * Use clear and comprehensible wording, easily understandable for all educational levels * Use correct spelling, grammar and punctuation. * Avoid items that contain more than one question per item (e.g. Do you like strawberries and potatoes?). Questionnaire administration modes Main modes of questionnaire administration are: * Face-to-face questionnaire administration, where an interviewer presents the items orally. * Paper-and-pencil questionnaire administration, where the items are presented on paper. * Computerized questionnaire administration, where the items are presented on the computer. * Adaptive computerized questionnaire administration, where a selection of items is presented on the computer, and based on the answers on those items, the computer selects following items optimized for the ‘testees ‘estimated ability or trait. -Wikipedia. Org Observational study In epidemiology and statistics, an observational study draws inferences about the possible effect of a treatment on subjects, where the assignment of subjects into a treated group versus a control group is outside the control of the investigator. This is in contrast with experiments, such as randomized controlled trials, where each subject is randomly assigned to a treated group or a control group before the start of the treatment. Wikipedia (2012)Although, observational studies cannot be used as reliable sources to make statements of fact about the safety, efficacy, or effectiveness of a practice, they can still be of use for some other things: [T]hey can: 1) provide information on â€Å"real world† use and practice; 2) detect signals about the benefits and risks of[the] use [of practices] in the general population; 3) help formulate hypotheses to be tested in subsequent experiments; 4) provide part of the community-level data needed to design more informative pragmatic clinical trials; and 5) inform clinical practice.’ Bakhtadze (107:2012) Observation is watching behavioral patterns of people in certain situations to obtain information about the phenomenon of interest. Quantitative Observation: Quantitative Observation involves the standardization of all observational procedures in order to obtain reliable research data. Qualitative Observation: Qualitative Observation involves observing all relevant phenomena and taking extensive field notes without specifying in advance exactly what is observed. Focus Groups Bakhtadze (106:2012) A focus group is a type of group interview in which a group moderator (working for the researcher) leads a discussion with a small group of individuals to examine how the group members think and feel about the topic. Purposes of Focus groups: 1. Obtaining general background information about a topic of interest; 2. Stimulating new ideas and creating concepts; 3. Generating impressions of products, programs, services, etc. 4. Learning how respondents talk about the phenomenon of interest; 5. Interpreting previously obtained qualitative results Summary A method of data collection is the procedure that a researcher uses to physically obtain research data from research participants. The method of data collection that is used in a research study is discussed in the method section of a research report. . Finally, the methods of data collection discussed in this paper work can be mixed by using the fundamental principle of mixed research to strengthen the evidence provided by a research study. References: Adà ¨r, H. J., Mellenbergh, G. J., Hand, D. J. (2008). Advising on research methods: A consultants companion. Huizen, The Netherlands: Johannes van Kessel Publishing. Bakhtadze, I., 2012.Course note on Research Methodology, Department of Education, International Black Sea University, Tbilisi-Georgia. World Bank, n.d: Data Collection Methods, 2012 viewed 28th of December 2012 University of Wilconsin, n.d., Data Collection Methods, viewed 28th of December 2012 Wikipedia, 2012, Questionnaire, viewed 28th 0f December 2012 Wikipedia, 2012, Survey Methodology, viewed 28th 0f December 2012 Wikipedia, 2012, Observational Study, viewed 28th 0f December 2012

Monday, October 14, 2019

Developing Healthcare in Third World Countries

Developing Healthcare in Third World Countries Good Health Care is important for many reasons, longer living for one. However, most people who live in third world countries, such as Haiti, who have little to no access to such benefits. Some sections of the population have additional barriers to overcome. These groups include poor women, young people and other socially disadvantaged groups such as drug users, sex workers and people with disabilities. The child mortality rates that are present in a developing country such as Haiti is a defecate that can spread and affect us here in the United Sates in ways such as diseases that contaminate ones who fly and frequently travel to the U.S. Not saying that we must repel any other country because they may contaminate us, we just have to focus on helping them out, to find a way to better their healthcare, so outbreaks do not happen and occur less often. With all the most expensive medical technology money can buy, the United States performs the most important health procedures. But as this society we all live in modernizes we find that other places, like Haiti, who have been through tough time, are ignored. It I known that if a country has a high level of poverty, their citizens tend to be poor, and the poor tend to have less access to health services. Lack of financial resources can create barriers when having to access services. When health care is needed but is delayed or not obtained, people’s health worsens, which in turn leads to lost income and higher health care costs, both of which contribute to poverty. These deprivations lead to bad health that are common in developing countries, and those who are in poverty tend to be more affected by it. There are many questions that concern the mechanisms of financing health services and the affordability for the poor have been one of the most controversial topics concerning acc ess to health services in developing countries. Child mortality is one of the most difficult things in the world to discuss. The death of any child is a thought many parents would never want to bear. It is depressing that millions of children die yearly and usually from preventable things, than in an industrialized country such as the United Sates, could have prevented in a heartbeat. In third world countries, however, their poverty and lack of access to health care cause many more deaths than there would be in a more industrialized country. â€Å"The 2010 maternal mortality rate per 100,000 births for Haiti is 300. The under 5 mortality rate, per 1,000 births is 89. This is compared to be such an ample number compared to the United States statistics that place the child and newborn mortality rates at 6 infant deaths per 1,000 births.† (Health, IMA World, 2010) â€Å"The highest percentage of death occurs after birth and before the fifth year of life. During the neonatal period, 75 percent of deaths occur during the first week of life. The remainders of neonatal deaths occur within the first hour after birth. Deaths within the first month can often be attributed to poor nutrition, poor prenatal care, or disease.† (Health, IMA World, 2010) Many of the deaths that occur in the first hours of life are due to poor help in delivering or poor prenatal nutrition. Children who are born into a poverty life are significantly more at risk of malnourishment and dying before the age of five. Children from developing countries are ten times more likely to die before the age of five than those from more industrialized nations. This is because children from developing nations are much more likely to lack a skilled birth attendee and the medicine and care they must obtain if they were to have complication during labor and birth. From longstanding to emerging problems, environmental factors are a root cause of a significant burden of death, disease and disability – particularly in developing countries. A significant proportion of that overall environmental disease burden can be attributed to relatively few key areas of risk. These include: unsanitary water, sanitation; vector-borne diseases; poor environment and indoor air quality; and global environmental change. Human health and environmental health are intimately intertwined. The existence of clean air, clean water, a stable climate, thriving wildlife, and well-managed natural resources determines the extent to which people can enjoy their basic rights to life, health, food, housing, livelihood, and culture.† (Gopalan, 2002) Little things such as these are being ignored and not taken into consideration. Human health and environmental sanitation and wellness are essential for life of any kind to be sustainable. As well as health requirement’s sanitation is another problem that affects these countries that lack healthcare. â€Å"Deficient sanitation systems, poor nutrition, and inadequate health services have pushed Haiti to the bottom of the World Bank’s rankings of health indicators.† (Public Health Issues and Priorities for the Haiti Earthquake) According to the United Nations World Food Programme, 80% of Haiti’s population lives in poverty. Consequently, malnutrition is one of the significant problems. The trouble in Haiti’s health care system, such as those listed above, is structural violence. Structural violence refers to organized ways in which social structures harm or otherwise disadvantage individuals. Haiti, one of many poor countries on the globe, demonstrates social arrangements and structural violence that put its individuals in higher health risks. Due to reasons such as racism, pollution, poor housing, poverty, and overall social inequality , structural violence limits residents of Haiti from proper clinical medicine. Many of these problems have surfaced after the cataclysmic earthquake of 2011. Addressing these obstacles will effectively reduce structural violence, and it will be likely that health care improvements in Haiti, which are much needed, be exceeded. IMA World Health, a specialist in providing essential healthcare services and medical supplies around the world, is a nonprofit, faith-based organization working to restore health, hope and dignity to those most in need. â€Å"Working primarily in the developing world, where an estimated 30 to 70 percent of health care is provided by faith-based organizations. IMA is an international health organization that is widely recognized for its effective and careful use of resources.† (IMA World Health, 2008) The IMA have done such a greater good for health care, an example of their work is the Medicine Boxes. â€Å"Whether responding to a natural disaster or the needs of a war-torn population, Medicine Boxes ® are found in many corners of a hurting world.† (Health, IMA World, 2010) â€Å"UNHCO is mandated to lead and co-ordinate international action to support individuals in emerging nations and resolve medical care problems. UNHCO works worldwide to provide humanitarian help for people affected by malnutrition.† (UNHCO, 2003) UNHCO is an international relief organization committed to global development of medical care as well as preventive health care for emerging nations. UNHCO is responsible for providing leadership on global health matters, providing support to countries and monitoring health trends. Works Cited Chen, Pauline. What We Can Learn From Third-World Health Care. Well What We Can Learn From Third World Health Care Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Feb. 2014. Shah, Anup. Health Care Around the World. Global Issues. N.p., 22 Sept. 2011. Web. 15 Feb. 2014. Moredock, Will . Third World Healthcare . Charleston City Paper. N.p., 4 Sept. 2013. Web. 15 Feb. 2014. Development Goals. Biggest Threats to Child Mortality in the Third World. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Feb. 2014. NYT: What the U.S. can learn from third-world health care. The Advisory Board Daily Briefing. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Feb. 2014. Health Care in Developing Countries | Interchurch Medical Assistance | IMA World Health. Health Care in Developing Countries | Interchurch Medical Assistance | IMA World Health. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Feb. 2014. UNHCO The Healthcare Agency. UNHCO The Healthcare Agency RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Feb. 2014.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Midsummer Nights Dream :: essays research papers

Midsummer Night’s Dream Questions and Answers 1. What does Shakespeare accomplish by setting most of the action at night and in the wood? Explain thoroughly. Use examples. Setting most of the action at night and in the woods creates a dreamlike world. There is no other place that holds more myth than the forest. Obernon makes clear that nighttime is fairies’ time. Theseus, who is present during the daylight, represents reason.The visions of fairies and magic are all related to the nighttime forest setting. Shakespeare was interested in how dreams worked, in how the events in the play transpired, and how time seems to change and loses track. Throughout the entire play, the young lovers are overcome by the magical power of the woods. They are put into a situation that is unrealistic which leads to bizarre mishaps. Even uncanny incidents happen to the fairies of the woods. Titania is put under a love spell and falls in the love with the ass-headed Nick Bottom. Puck reminds us in the end that if the play has offended anyone, they should simply remember it as being a dream. This helps make the play an incredible occurrence, rather than an intense dra ma. 2. Explain how Theseus represents the voice of reason and moderation. Be specific. Use examples and quotes (include act and line numbers) Theseus represents the voice of reason and moderation in the play because he seems to be the only normal character left. He only appears in the play during the daytime, when nothing magical occurs. He is the only character who shows complete sanity in the dreamlike fantasy world around him. He is the Duke of Athens so many people come to him with their problems. When Egeus comes to Theseus about the problem he is having with his daughter, Hermia, Theseus takes power over the situation. He explains to Hermia that if she goes against her father’s rules, by his words, she will be sentenced to death or sent to a convent. (Act 1, Scene 1, Pages 4 and 5, Lines 30-34). He states, â€Å"For you, fair Hermia, look you arm yourself to fit your fancies to your father’s will; Or else the law of Athens yields you up,- which by no means we may extenuate,- to death, or to a vow of single life.† Hermia is so in love that she can not make a reasonable decision, so she runs off in to the imaginative woods with Lysander.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Head Start Essay -- essays papers

Head Start Head Start and Early Head Start are comprehensive child development programs which serve children from birth to age five, pregnant woman and their extended families. They are child-focused programs that have the overall goal of increasing the school readiness of young children in low-income families. . These programs try to prepare young children intellectually, socially, emotionally and physically for their future educational and social endeavors. ( U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2002).. The programs prepare the parent(s) to be supportive in the endeavor. Head Start has the philosophy that parents are a child's first and most influential teacher. The Head Start program is beneficial to early learning. In 1964, the Federal Government asked a panel of child development experts to draw up a program to help communities meet the needs of disadvantaged preschool children. The panel became the blueprint for Project Head Start (U.S. Department of Health and Human Resources, 2002). Beginning as an eight-week summer program out of the Office of Economic Development, the Head Start program was well received by the education community. From the outset the program offered not only an education program, but also a health program for children. The program strongly encouraged parental involvement and offered the parents social service help if warranted. Right now the program is administered by the Administration for Children and Families. There are Head Start programs in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the U.S. territories ( The Online Head Start Resource Center, 2002). In 1994, the Early Head Start Program was established, because it was determined that children from birth to t... ...n. (ERIC Document Re-Productive Service No. ED327313) 6. Schweinhart, L. (2002). Recent Evidence on Preschool Programs. (ERIC Digest No.____). Champaign, IL: ERIC Clearing house on Elementary and Early Childhood Education. (ERIC Document Reproductive Service No. ED458046) 7. Head Start Works, But Needs More Funding and Better Teachers, (2002). Retrieved on November 5, 2002 from NIEER (National Institute for Early Learning Response, center/index.php?pressid=7 8. Merrow, J. (2002, September 25)., The Failureof Head Start. Educationweek. Retrieved on November 5, 2002, from 9. Lubeck, S. (1990). Four-Year-Olds and Public Schooling. (ERIC Digest No _____). Urbana, IL: ERIC Clearinghouse on Elementary and Early Childhood Education. (ERIC Document Reproductive Service No. ED325204)

Friday, October 11, 2019

P Plate Laws

They are there not to be broken but to save the lives of the young and inexperienced drivers. Since the new laws have been introduced more than 15,000 P-Plate drivers have been stripped of their licence in Victoria alone which shows that these ‘hoons’ don’t care about the law and even tougher rules need to be put in place. The new P-Plate laws, which are being enforced Australia wide, include having only 1 passenger between the age of 16-21 while you are on your Red P Plates, not driving a turbo or super charged vehicle, or driving a vehicle that has more than 6 cylinders. You are also required to drive 120 hours before being able to obtain your P Plates. The new P Plate laws that have been put in place are definitely working and reducing the death toll on our roads. It was reported in the herald sun that since the new p plate laws have been introduced there has been a 21% decrease in deaths on our roads among p platers. Eric Roozendal the roads minister has said he is â€Å"heartened to see that fatality rates have fallen for red P Plate drivers – which were the main target of the reforms†. Not only is he delighted with the way the new laws are working but other drivers or drivers to be are as well, like 19 year old L Plater Meg Walster who is even more excited about getting her P Plates because she is encouraged in the fact that it is safer to drive thanks to the new p plate laws. However some hoons still don’t get the message. These hoons seem to think they can do whatever they like because they will not be caught or because they are showing off to their friends. One of the main laws to be broken is going over the speed limit. Last year more than 11,400 P plate drivers were caught speeding and nearly 200 of those were caught speeding [pause] more than 45 km/h over the speed limit. Not even very experienced drivers could handle the speeds at which some of the new p platers were going at, what made them think they could? A very good example of these hoons not caring about the laws, themselves and other drivers around them was when late last year a young p plater obtained his licence and a mere 45 minutes after his test he was caught speeding at a [pause] 154 km/h in a 110 km zone. That’s just shows how reckless and immature these hoons are. Sue Philips has issued a statement to all new drivers after her son died and his two friends were injured in a horror crash because he was speeding, the damage was unimaginable, the car was split into two, the two halves of the car separated [pause] by a massive 40 meters. She warned all other drivers to stop and think before speeding. These hoons need to wake up and see what is happening around them, and what not just speeding but breaking any of the road rules can do, not just to you but everyone around you on the road. There needs to be tougher punishment for these law breakers, because that’s what they are laws breakers. Just because road laws might not seem as important or as bad as assault or breaking and entering or even stealing the consequences should be similar because breaking the road laws can be more devastating. Hoons choose to break the laws, it is not like they get provoked to or even need to break the laws to survive [pause] they choose to! The P Plate driver who was caught driving 44km/h over the speed limit, 45 minutes after gaining his licence was only fined $421 and had his licence suspended for 3 months. That is not enough for exceeding the speed limit by the amount that he did. Many people die in accidents that are resulted from speeding and even more get severely injured. These hoons need to be treated like criminals because these are criminal offences that they commit when they decide to break the road laws. P Platers argue that they are capable of handling powerful cars that are either turbo or super charged or even a v8 and that is not true because they are young and inexperienced and could not handle its power, as you need experience to control a car like that especially if you were to spin out or even accelerate, p platers most of the time put their foot down all the way when the light goes green, sure they can handle the power in a 4 cylinder car or even 6, but they most definitely would not in a powerful car. P platers also argue that they should be able to carry more than one passenger between the age of 16 and 21 but did you know that a p plater is 4 times more likely to be in an accident when he or she is with someone their own age! Also p plater say is costs too much for fuel when going on trips because they have to take more cars. This is true but when going on road trips you can apply to vic roads to get an exemption for a few days but you cannot be caught speeding or breaking the road laws otherwise there will be hefty fines. The new P Plate laws are there for a reason. Tougher laws need to be introduced but the current ones are working and making our roads safer every day. These hoons need to realize what breaking the road laws can do and need to think about the consequences because not only can they be hurt but others around them too.